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CIHRP Online Courses

Independent Course Format – This course is delivered in an online independent format. You will have one year to complete the course at your own pace. You may also complete the course earlier as well. The courses consist of readings and quizzes. You can start these courses at anytime during the year.

Our courses are delivered in a flexible, fully online, self-paced format, allowing you to learn on your schedule. There are no live classes or scheduled sessions, giving you the freedom to study whenever and wherever it suits you. You have a full year from your registration date to complete each course, but you’re welcome to finish earlier if you prefer. Each course includes all necessary readings, engaging assignments to reinforce your learning, and a final course exam to assess your understanding. You can register for a course at any time throughout the year. While you’re welcome to take as many courses as you like, we recommend a pace of two courses per year to ensure a balanced and effective learning experience.

You can take the courses in any order you prefer. We offer three levels of achievement:

  • Certification: Upon successful completion of CIHRP 1 through CIHRP 5, you will receive a digital certificate
  • Diploma: Upon successful completion of the Certification level (CIHRP 1-5) and CIHRP 6 through CIHRP 11, you will receive a digital diploma.
  • Designation: To achieve the Designation level, you must have completed both the Certification and Diploma levels. In addition, you will need to:
    • Submit a CIHRP Designation Application
    • Successful completion of the Certification Exam
    • Successful completion of the Professional Development Plan (PDP)
    • Be a member in good standing with AFOA Canada
    • Receive approval from AFOA Canada’s Board of Director’s.

Tuition Fees

Member Rate: $575 (plus applicable taxes)
Non-member Rate: $695 (plus applicable taxes)
*Per course

Cost of computer and internet access is not included in the tuition fees and is the responsibility of the student.

Session 1 - Environmental Competencies

This course introduces the idea of Human Resources as a Professional Practice.  It emphasizes the opportunity for the Indigenous Human Resources Professional to demonstrate ethics, character, commitment, competence and professionalism.  We explore the importance of the alignment of Human Resources with the Organization, identify the obligations of a professional practice and encourage effective leadership and project management.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the obligations of a Professional Practice approach to Indigenous Human Resources functions.
  2. Describe the Human Resources models, practices and outcomes.
  3. Research methodology and application in Indigenous Human Resources.
  4. Utilize the application of Project Management.

Recent events have caused us all to be keenly aware of the impact of a disaster, the importance of a business continuity plan and the overall high priority we need to place on Health and Safety.  This course looks at the external factors that we must consider as we plan and deliver human resources in Indigenous organizations and, specifically, within Indigenous communities.  We also look at the legislation that governs the workplace and that opportunity we have to build a safe and healthy work environment

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the external factors that affect Health, Wellness and Safety in the Workplace.
  2. Creating and maintaining a healthy, safe workplace.
  3. Identify ways to control and eliminate various on-the-job health hazards.
  4. Describe the programs that organizations use to build better health among their workforces.
  5. Increase Awareness of Indigenous Human Resources role in Emergency Management.

Session 2 - Economic Competencies

Understanding, measuring and reporting the impact of human resources programs and practices provides us with the leverage to promote the value and effectiveness of HR initiatives.  In this one-day course, we learn the importance of data privacy, system security, budgets and audits.

Learning Objectives

  1. Make informed business decisions using financial and operating information to align human resources with business strategy.
  2. Explain how to manage HR information in compliance with legal requirements using appropriate tools and procedures.
  3. Understand and report on the effectiveness of human capital investments with respect to key performance indicators (KPI’s).
  4. Explain the function of comprehensive HR audits by sampling policies, procedures, programs and systems.
  5. Describe the requirements for an HR Information System that captures data and generates reports.

Explore the concept of a total rewards strategy that provides monetary, beneficial and developmental rewards to employees who contribute to organizational goals.  Increase your understanding of compensation, benefits, and rewards structures as well as the concept of motivation in the workplace.

Designed for new HR professionals, HR generalists and line managers, this course will empower you with the basic skills and knowledge to create a successful total rewards strategy for your organization. While developed to be an introduction to the total rewards system, the content goes beyond the basics to cover more advanced topics such as aligning total rewards with your organization’s culture, HR goals and business strategy.

Learning Objectives

  1. Awareness of the legislation that governs aspects of total rewards.
  2. Describe options in applying compensation methodology and systems.
  3. Increased understanding of pension and benefits.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of reward systems and perquisites.
  5. Define pay equity and explain its importance in the workplace.

Indigenous Human Resources Professionals have the opportunity to be strategic business partners.  This means they sit at the strategic planning table and become influencers in the organizational vision, mission, values and plans.  Developing your awareness of the competencies of business acumen, workforce planning, risk management and governance are goals of this course.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the concept of Strategic Business Planning.
  2. Be able to develop and implement a Human Resources strategic plan.
  3. Increase your knowledge and need for business acumen.
  4. Understand the process and value of workforce planning.

Session 3 - Social Competencies

Knowledge of the different legislation that governs the employment relationship in Canada, specifically the grey area that often arises within Indigenous organizations related to provincial vs. federal Labour laws, is a critical component of a successful Indigenous human resources professional.  We will also review privacy legislation and workplace investigation.  Indigenous communities often have and use alternative dispute resolution, which we will discuss.

Learning Objectives

  1. Explain the different regimes that govern the employment relationship and the rules that apply to employment contracts.
  2. Identify the privacy rights of employees.
  3. Establish disciplinary policies and differentiate between the two approaches to disciplinary action.
  4. Identify the types of alternative dispute resolution methods and procedures.

The concept of Employee Engagement is the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs, are committed to their organizations and put discretionary effort into their work.  This one-day course covers the employment relationship components of performance management, employee retention, onboarding, team building and trust.

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the history and meaning of the term “employee engagement”.
  2. Explain models of employee engagement.
  3. Identify the precursors or “drivers” or employee engagement.
  4. Describe the importance and impact of employee engagement on employees, organizations and clients.
  5. Explain how HR practices impact employee engagement.
  6. Recognize factors that contribute successful and unsuccessful change efforts.

Let’s review the effectiveness of an organization’s ability to reach the goals and objectives it sets out for itself.  In this course we will consider talent management, leadership development, succession planning, organizational structure and team effectiveness.

Learning Objectives

  1. Learn the potential impact of team effectiveness.
  2. Define and apply various talent management tools.
  3. Understand organizational structure and purpose.
  4. Evaluate the effectiveness of organizational designs.

Session 4 - Cultural Competencies

The only constant is change.  If organizations are not continuously training and developing their most important asset, the people who do the work, they will fall behind.  We will learn how to match the immediate training needs to the job requirements. Gain a better understanding of productivity and how it can be analyzed, measured and mentored. The many different types of training and development will also be reviewed.

Learning Objectives

  1. Discuss the scope of training and development and its strategic aspects.
  2. Describe how a training needs assessment should be done.
  3. Describe the factors that must be considered when designing a training program.
  4. Explain how the effectiveness of training programs is evaluated and describe some of the additional training programs conducted by firms.
  5. Examples of common training programs to consider.

This course will deepen your understanding of culture and how it is formed.  We will use the concept of a wheel within a wheel to consider how the culture of your organization lives and changes within the culture of your community.

We will explore the future state of your organization and understand how to bridge the gap between what is and what your organization aspires to be. You will be able to communicate and implement an organizational culture that employees actually embrace.

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the common characteristics of organizational culture.
  2. Compare the functional and dysfunctional effects of organizational culture on people and the organization.
  3. Identify the factors that create and maintain an organization’s culture.
  4. Understand the value of engaging the community.
  5. Demonstrate how an ethical organizational culture can be created.
  6. Consider the importance of the community history and traditional values.

This course has been designed to assist you in understanding ethics and values and the role of leaders to assist HR professionals in the execution of their daily operations, management, and leadership processes. You will begin by exploring ethics in the workplace, then move into looking at what leadership is and how effective communication supports leading teams in your organization. This course will cover a wide range of topics and provides information, tools and resource materials that incorporates Indigenous perspectives to help them create and sustain an ethically sound environment within their organization and improve leadership and communication skills. The materials in this manual have been drawn from a wide variety of sources and are as current as possible.

Learning Objectives

1. Demonstrate the ability to know and sustain an ethical organizational climate in the workplace.
2. Demonstrate the ability to lead and motivate staff in the achievement of organizational goals.
3. Effectively lead teams and communicate complex information.
4. Effectively communicate as an HR leader to improve internal and external organizational communication.

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