AFOA Canada has created a NEW podcast program,” Money Smarts – AFOA Canada Talks Indigenous Financial Wellness with the Experts”, discussing various topics that address Indigenous Financial Wellness with Experts. Financial literacy can be complicated. Money Smarts makes it simple and will enlighten and assist Indigenous community members in understanding their finances and improving their financial wellbeing.

EPISODE #1 Tax Filing and Accessing Financial Benefits
The income tax system appears to function well for Canadians. Mindy Wight, Partner and Tax Specialist with MNP and serves as National Leader, discusses how the income tax system can be challenging and complicated for Indigenous people living on reserve.
EPISODE #2 Host a Virtual Tax Clinic Training Session
Pamela Ouart-McNabb, Vice President, Education and Training, joins us to discuss the benefits of training to hosting Free Tax Clinics for Indigenous communities.
EPISODE #3 Host a Free Tax Clinic - Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP)
Madeleine Castelo, Regional Outreach and Partnership Officer (CVITP), explains the advantages of hosting a Free Tax Clinic through the Community Volunteer Income Tax Programs. You can help your community by volunteering and assisting community members filing their income taxes and accessing their benefits.
EPISODE #4 Grants to host a Volunteer Tax Clinic
Élise Alarie, Director, Community Outreach and Support Division of the Canada Revenue Agency, shares information on the CVITP Grant program. The grants are available to assist communities in offsetting costs incurred by community organizations that host free tax clinics and provides funding for income tax returns filed.
EPISODE #5 Tenez un comptoir d'impôts gratuit - Programme communautaire d'impôt sur le revenu des bénévoles (PCBMI)
Madeleine Castelo, Agente régionale de sensibilisation et de partenariat (PCBMI), explique les avantages d’accueillir une clinique d’impôt gratuite dans le cadre du Programme communautaire des bénévoles en matière d’impôt. Vous pouvez aider votre communauté en vous portant volontaire et en aidant les membres de la communauté à remplir leur déclaration de revenus et à accéder à leurs prestations.
EPISODE #6 Tax Filing and COVID-19 Benefits 2020
Designed to help Indigenous people during the COVID-19 situation, the Government of Canada has introduced benefits, such as CERB, the CRB, CRCG and CRSB, to help people during this pandemic. Canada Revenue Agency helps break down the challenges.
EPISODE #7 Residency – Tax Exemption
Madeleine Castelo, Regional Outreach and Partnership Officer (CVITP), discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a shift in the place of work, and you may want to know if your income remains or becomes exempt under section 87 of the Indian Act as a result of these changes.
EPISODE #8 “Let us help you get your benefits!” - Short returns
Cayla Linaker, Canada Revenue Agency, discusses the Simplified Income Tax Form and Canada Child Benefits forms and explains how First Nations Communities can request the short return forms, now available for First Nations living on reserve. For more information and to order forms for your community, please call 1-888-837-1531.
EPISODE #1 Managing Money
Managing money is challenging. Don’t know where to begin? Join us. We discuss the basics: saving money, creating an emergency fund, and debt with Glenna Harris, Manager, Learning & Training Team, Prosper Canada.
EPISODE #2 Banking & Savings
Leigh Solomon, Vice President Retail Banking at First Nations Bank, makes Banking and Savings easy. He shares the basics of banking – from opening a bank account, minimum balance requirements, fees associated with banking, planning for emergencies with emergency funds to NSF charges.
EPISODE #3 Saving & Investing for a Post-Secondary Education
Talya Rotem, Program Director at SmartSAVER, a nonprofit that helps low- and modest-income families access federal government incentives, joins us to share how we can begin saving for our children’s post-secondary education. Learn how to create a registered education saving plan (RESP) and a Canada Learning Bond for your children.
EPISODE #4 Investment 101
Investing made simple! Mike Massoud, Chartered Professional Accountant and a Principal at CPA Canada, talks about investing basics, lifestyle creep and costs associated with investing.
EPISODE #5 Reducing Financial Stress through Money Mindfulness
Kwatsitsawi Meloche shares from an Indigenous perspective how practicing money mindfulness can reduce stress for a better financial future to help you keep on track for short-term and long-term goals.
EPISODE #6 Credit
Keetah McBeath, Senior Regional Manager, Indigenous Banking, TD Bank Group, shares her knowledge to build and keep our Credit in good shape. Learn how a credit score can affect our credit history and how we can repair poor credit history and improve a credit score.
EPISODE #7 First Nation’s Estate Planning
First Nation estate planning is never easy and can be complicated for First Nations. Learn the basics of estate planning with Georgina Villeneuve, Peace Hills Trust, who brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in the administration and settlement of First Nation Estates & Trusts.
Money Smarts will be available in various podcast directories such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, etc.