Pre-Conference Workshops

February 24 & 25, 2025
Halifax Convention Centre
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Breakfast and registration begins at 7:30 am.
Pre-conference workshops begin at 8:30 am.


One-Day Workshops
AFOA Member $670
Non-Member $870

Two-Day Workshops
AFOA Member $1245
Non-Member $1445

Workshop registration fee includes continental breakfast, refreshments and lunch. Please note that this does not include conference registration.


For more information or information regarding workshop space availability, please contact Spencer Brigham at 1-866-722-2362 or

Two-Day Workshops

Monday, February 24 and Tuesday, February 25, 2025

On day one of this two-day workshop participants will learn about planning and creating trust and cover the following topics: community readiness and trust structures. On day two, participants will learn about investment basics, financial affordability of the trust, investment strategy, different portfolio structures, hiring an investment manager and performance measurement and reporting. There will be an opportunity for participants to engage in practical exercises that will help them better understand the workshop topics.

It is anticipated that workshop participants will take away practical ideas that make sense for their community/ organization. The workshop provides a frame of reference or “road map” and tools that participants will be able to use in developing an effective Trust.

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to better understand:

  • How to plan a trust.
  • The complexities involved in creating a trust.
  • Key areas in implementing a trust.

This workshop will present an overview of the knowledge required to ensure adequate technical and organizational safeguards to protect the continuity of IT infrastructure services.  A high-level review of IT security principles, methods, practices, policies, and tools used in securing IT resources will be presented.

Upon successful completion of this Workshop, you will be able to:

Understand IT software and hardware security requirements.

      • Understand how to secure operators & administrators with access privileges to critical security resources.
      • Understand protection techniques for the entire facility, from the outside perimeter to the inside office space, including all information system resources & methods to deal with security breaches.
      • Audit and monitor the mechanisms, tools, and facilities to permit the identification of security events and to assess operations security capacity.
      • Understand and describe the different types of cyber-attacks.
      • Understand the responsibility the organization has in protecting client records, including preparing and conducting privacy impact assessments, statements of sensitivity, threat risk assessment and vulnerability assessments.”

One-Day Workshops

Monday, February 24, 2025

The workshop objectives are intended to build the necessary knowledge and skills of those interested in better understanding financial accounting in Canada, including its purpose and use of financial information and other foundational concepts.

Upon successful completion of this Workshop, participants will be able to:

      • Participants will be able to describe the purpose of the Chart of Accounts and why it is important.
      • Participants will be able to describe how a Chart of Account is structured, including identifying common account types.
      • Participants will be aware of some of the key factors to consider when setting up a Chart of Account and know what to ask of their Accountant or Service Provider to undertake modifications to their Chart of Accounts.
      • Participants will be aware of the different Accounting Systems that are commonly used in First Nations and understand how each of those systems can be used to maximize benefit when setting up the Chart of Accounts.

The workshop objectives are intended to build the necessary knowledge and skills of those interested in better understanding financial accounting in Canada, including its purpose and use of financial information and other foundational concepts.

Upon successful completion of this Workshop, participants will be able to:

      • Participants will have an understanding of Government of Canada funding approaches and agreements and know where to find funding agreement requirements.
      • Participants will be aware of the benefits and downfalls of failing to meet funding agreement obligations, including the potential benefits of more flexible funding agreements that are only eligible to First Nations with strong governance and financial management.
      • Participants will be aware of the budgeting process and best practices for performing budget variance analysis.
      • Participants will be aware of best practices for managing funder reporting obligations.

Indigenous HR professionals need to have a comprehensive understanding of the factors and legislation influencing health, wellness, and safety in the workplace. This workshop is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate these critical areas effectively. Throughout the course, we will delve into the various factors and legislative frameworks that impact health, wellness, and safety in the workplace. From identifying health hazards to implementing control measures, you will learn how to manage risks and create a safe working environment for all employees. Furthermore, we will explore how organizations can build better health and wellness initiatives among their workforces. You will gain insights into the strategies used by Indigenous organizations to foster a culture of well-being. Additionally, we will delve into trauma-informed practices and the importance of creating psychologically safe workplaces for Indigenous people. By enhancing your understanding of trauma-informed approaches and culturally sensitive environments, you will be better equipped to support employee mental health and well-being.

By the end of this workshop, you will have an understanding of both the complexities of health, wellness, and safety in an Indigenous workplace, and the initiatives that promote holistic well-being for your employees.

Learning Objectives

      • Identify the factors and legislation that affect health, wellness, and safety in the workplace.
      • Understand how to identify and control health hazards in the workplace.
      • Understand how organizations build better health and wellness among their workforces.
      • Enhance understanding of trauma informed practices and psychologically safe workplaces.

The workshop learning objectives are intended to build the necessary knowledge and skills of those working in the key competency domain relating to writing a business plan and funding proposals.

Upon successful completion of this workshop, you will be able to:

      • Identify key components of a business plan.
      • Demonstrate an understanding of the business planning process and the development of a business plan.
      • Identify key components of a funding proposal.

The First Nations Governance III is directed towards leaders and senior staff members working in First Nations communities and organizations.  It has been designed to explain how Indigenous history has influenced current governance models, the issues and relationships that exist with mainstream governments, the benefits of incorporating traditional values and cultures into our organizations and reviews steps that First Nations can take to begin the process of rebuilding their nations by practicing their self-governance in such areas as language revitalization, education, and health governance.

Upon successful completion of this Workshop, you will be able to:

      • Explain the historical context for traditional and contemporary governance including elements of the Constitution Act, 1982.
      • Understand the relevant Treaty making, Treaty implementation, self-government, and land claim settlement processes.
      • Apply the knowledge of and ability to enhance First Nations values, cultures, traditions, languages, and worldviews and apply them in the operations of the Chief and Council, Council Administration, and community.
      • Understand the process to strengthen your community (nation building approach) and to create sustainable, self-determined economies.
      • Foster a nation building/self-government approach and building sustainable, self determined economies.

One-Day Workshops

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

This workshop aims to provide the participant with a fundamental knowledge of basic budgeting, forecasting, and variance analysis. This workshop is intended to provide an understanding of the budgeting, forecasting, and variance analysis processes and their importance for the effective and efficient management of the organization’s financial affairs. Exercises are designed to gauge how well you have learned and understood the manual material in relation to the learning objectives. The materials for this module have been drawn from a wide variety of sources and are as current as possible.

Upon successful completion of this Workshop, participants will understand:

  • The concept of budget decision-making frameworks and the benefits of effective budgeting processes.
  • Common issues arising in the budgeting process and be able to identify issues that might impede the effectiveness of the budgeting process.
  • The purpose of multi-year operational and capital budgets, and the distinctions from annual operating budgets.
  • The purpose of both mid-year and long-term financial forecasting, and the relationship between forecasting and cash/treasury management.
  • The tools used for mid-year forecasts of expenditures, revenues, and cash requirements, and be able to identify common variables and assumptions considered/included in forecasts.
  • Methods of variance analysis, including budget to actual, horizontal/historical, and vertical (point-in-time) analysis and how this information supports management decision-making and financial oversight.

The Indigenous Human Resources (HR) business partner integrates the HR function, focusing on people, with the business side of things to help the organization reach its business objectives. HR is able to deliver value to the organization by keeping in touch with frontline managers and supporting good decision-making processes. Especially in times or change and disruption, a strong HR business partnership can ensure that all HR activities are strategically aligned with Indigenous business priorities. This manual been designed to provide a general overview of the concepts of Human Resources Strategy and Leadership. You will be introduced to discussions of ethical organizational culture and leadership, and gain understanding of the relationships between that ethical leadership and strategic planning for an organization’s needs and objectives. You will learn how to utilize key ideas and approaches to inform best practice decision within your Indigenous organization’s landscape. By the end of this workshop, you will possess a strong HR strategy and leadership foundation, ready to make a meaningful impact within organizations. The materials in this manual have been drawn from a wide variety of sources and are as current as possible.

Learning Objectives

      • Understand the importance of strategies that align culture and organizational priorities.
      • Understand the starting points for creating an ethical organizational culture and recognize the effects of ethical leadership on organizational direction.
      • Understand strategic planning processes and aligning Human Resources needs with organizational needs.
      • Understand organizational team and leadership processes and functions to better contribute to and support organizational objectives.

The workshop learning objectives are intended to build on the knowledge and skills of those presented in Developing Business Plans and Funding Proposals I by emphasizing how to use the Business Plan to manage and grow the business and how to develop and maintain good working relationships with funders and lenders.

Upon successful completion of this workshop, you will be able to:

      • Use your business plan to help manage and grow your business.
      • Identify challenges that may impede your success.
      • Position your business better to compete for future financing and funding.
      • Identify potential financing methods sources for Indigenous businesses.
      • Prepare an effective funding or grant proposal.
      • Develop a working relationship and maintain on-going relations with funders and lenders.

The objective of this workshop is to provide fundamental knowledge and develop an understanding of project requirements, including how to define and oversee a project. This course serves as an introductory course to AFOA’s Project Finance Micro Certification.

Upon successful completion of this workshop, you will:

      • Gain fundamental knowledge and understanding of project requirements and how to define and oversee a project.

For More Information

For more information or information regarding workshop space availability, please contact us toll-free at 1-866-722-2362 or by email:

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