JAM 28 Available!
The latest issue of the Journal of Aboriginal Management (JAM) is now available. This issue focuses on the theme of Diversity and Inclusion and features an audio interview with Gina Wilson, the Deputy Minister, Diversity and Inclusion and Youth, and the Senior Associate Deputy Minister for Canadian Heritage, in addition to contributions from Paulette Tremblay, Simon Brascoupé, T.E. Wealth and more.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, this issue will be digital-only. AFOA Canada will not be printing and sending the issue to members. Members can access the full edition, as well as past editions, from the Members-Only Page of the website (log in required). Please note that the French edition is forthcoming.
The Journal of Aboriginal Management (JAM) is the only professional journal for Indigenous finance and management in Canada and is published twice a year. If you are not an AFOA Canada member and would like to subscribe to the JAM, please visit the JAM page for subscription information. All AFOA Canada members are automatically subscribed, if you would like to become a member of AFOA Canada, please fill out a Membership Application Form .
If you would like to write an article or submit an advertisement for the next issue (slated to be published in February 2022), keep an eye out for the guidelines/application that will be uploaded to the website soon! JAM 29 will be focused on the theme of Creating Indigenous Opportunity Through Connectivity.