Issue 34 of the Journal of Aboriginal Management (JAM) will be a special conference edition, theme Leading Change and Inspiring Others to match the 2024 National Conference theme. AFOA Canada is inviting articles or advertisements for this issue, to be published in March.

Indigenous Canadians have a goal of socio-economic parity with mainstream Canadians. Many leaders of organizations are adapting to a new reality while achieving their goals. This reality includes a focus on sustainability, diversity and inclusion, work-life balance and rapid technological changes to name a few. The gap between today’s reality and that of tomorrow requires individuals to ensure their leadership style can lead the change needed and inspire others to play a crucial role in attaining a common goal.

Some questions that may be considered in this issue:

  • Can you share a success story of a leader who has inspired others? What are the lessons learned from their story?
  • How can leaders ensure that diversity, inclusion and/or sustainability are at the forefront of their initiatives?
  • What methods can be used for measuring success of change initiatives?
  • How do you approach building a shared vision for change and rallying others around a common goal?
  • How do traditional Indigenous values inform leadership practices?

If you’d like to contribute an article or advertisement to this issue, please submit your idea to or fill out the online form by November 24, 2023. Final content in English and French is due by January 8, 2023.

The Journal of Aboriginal Management (JAM) is the only professional journal in Canada for Indigenous Professionals in the management, finance and governance fields. This biannual journal focuses on professional trends and innovations in these fields and includes interviews with leaders, articles from experts that profile community-based initiatives and best practices, as well as advertisements from professional organizations that are at the top of their field.