Join a Scholarship Selection Committee
Are you an Indigenous person living in Canada? Do you want to be a part of the TD Scholarship for Indigenous Peoples Community? If so, apply today to be a part of the TD Scholarship for Indigenous Peoples – Selection Committee!
The committee is dedicated to supporting Indigenous students in receiving scholarships to help further their education in college, university, or any other post-secondary journey they embark on.
AFOA Canada is accepting letters of interest and resumes for appointment to the TD Scholarship for Indigenous Peoples – Selection Committee pursuant to AFOA Canada’s Terms of Reference for the TD Scholarship for Indigenous Peoples Selection Committee.
AFOA Canada is seeking to appoint 8 Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, and Metis) committee members to the TD Scholarship for Indigenous Peoples – Selection Committee for one (1) term. A stipend will be provided. AFOA Canada encourages applicants who satisfy the Selection Committee General Regulations to submit a completed Letter of Interest and your Resume via email, with the subject line: TD Selection Committee Application, addressed to:
Shannon Polches, Scholarships and Bursaries Administrator
AFOA Canada Email: spolches@afoa.ca
AFOA Canada must receive Letters of Interest no later than
1:00 p.m. EST on Wednesday, February 1, 2023.
Appointments will be made on Friday, February 3, 2023.
Please email your Letter of Interest and Resume to: Shannon Polches, Scholarships and Bursaries Administrator at spolches@afoa.ca. Should you require additional information, please contact Shannon toll-free at 1-866-722-2362.