AFOA Canada LIVE Webinars

The Evolving Indigenous Workplace: Defining the New Normal
The Evolving Indigenous Workplace: Defining the New Normal is AFOA Canada’s inaugural Live Webinar series. It is a weekly live webinar to share resources and credible information from experts that will help you navigate through the ever-changing events around COVID-19.
Community leadership is reshaping their management practices to provide effective and efficient service delivery to their community members and stakeholders. These free webinars will explore topics of relevance and discuss emerging issues that our communities will be facing in the near future.
COVID-19 Government Support Programs

Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 1:00 pm EDT
The First Nations Bank of Canada will highlight the impact of COVID-19 from the perspective an Indigenous banking institution, and outline funding supports currently available to Indigenous governments and businesses. This 30 minute presentation will be followed by a short Q&A session.
Presenters: Kevin Michael, VP Commercial Banking, and Dan Murza, AVP Commercial Banking, of the First Nations Bank of Canada
COVID-19 Tracking Expenditures and Reporting

Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 1:00 pm EDT
During times of crisis, tracking and recording of expenditures is not likely top of mind. However, reporting and eligibility for these expenditures will be required. This session will discuss some of the challenges in collection of data and offer some possible solutions to assist with this process. The intent is to make it as efficient and effective as possible, and to capture the necessary information in real time to support the expenditures. We will also discuss currently available information for the reporting process.
Presenters: Kenny Ansems, CPA, CA, CAFM, BC & Yukon Director, Indigenous Services, EASE Director, MNP. Lee St. Arnaud, M.Sc., Consulting, MNP. Tony Gill, MBA, CAFM, Senior Manager, Indigenous Services, MNP
Returning to the Workplace: Health and Safety

Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 2pm EDT
A return to regular work is imminent for many employees across the country, as restrictions in place as part of the coronavirus response are reviewed.
A reintroduction to office life can be dangerous if mishandled. As your organization starts to think about the eventual return to work for your employees, this webinar will walk you through the main Health and Safety concerns that you should be considering to ensure a safe environment for your staff.
This webinar will provide you with a checklist of items that your organization can use to consider and carefully plan for this transition back to work to maintain safety, manage resources and rebuild employee morale.
Presenter: Tanya Neitzert, Partner, Boreala Management
Returning to the Workplace: Ask the Experts

Thursday, May 28, 2020 at 2pm EDT
As restrictions are gradually lifted and employees return to work, many employers are asking themselves questions about how they will efficiently bring employees back to the workplace and what the ‘new normal’ will look like for them.
Perhaps some of your staff have raised concerns and are reluctant to come back? How do you best manage bringing employees back that have been laid off or put on job re-allocation? What policies will you put in place for employees that are in the ‘vulnerable’ category?
This webinar will touch on some of the main questions we have been receiving from our indigenous clients regarding managing the return to work process, and answer questions and concerns you may have when planning for the smooth return of your staff.
Presenter: Tanya Neitzert, Partner, Boreala Management
Investing during Turbulent Times

Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 2pm EDT
The world came to a standstill during the COVID-19 pandemic, however pension plans drastically changed during this time. There are many questions and concerns that you may have. Is my retirement still on track? Should I change my investments? Do I feel like I’m the same investor as last year? If you would like to know how the investment industry has responded and what you can do to keep your retirement plans on track this webinar will help guide you to cutting out the noise and focusing on what’s important in regards to your pension plans.
Presenters: Roy Bluehorn, Account Executive, Pension & Benefits, TIPI-IMI Insurance Partners, and Dion McKay, Account Executive, Pensions & Benefits, TIPI Insurance Partners
Community Resiliency - Challenges, Strengths and Courage
Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 2pm EDT
As Indigenous communities navigate these unprecedented times and challenges, community resiliency, strength and courage has never been more important. Understanding the roots of Indigenous resiliency, our stories and strategies, helps to guide the decisions we make for our future well-being as communities, organizations and networks. This webinar will provide you with the opportunity to learn about community resiliency throughout Indigenous history with an experienced Indigenous business expert with over 20 years of experience in working with, building and supporting communities.
Presenter: Harmony Redsky, Roots & Rights Media
CPA Canada Financial Literacy - Fraud Protection

Thursday, June 18, 2020 at 2pm EDT
Fraud is now a reality and it behooves all of us to learn more about what is a fraud. In this session, you will also learn the types of fraud, how it works, and signs of being victimized. In addition, you will know what to do if you’ve fallen victim as well as some real-life examples of fraud.
Presenters: Linda Yao, CPA, and Jerry Pan, CPA
Auditing in the age of COVID

Thursday, June 25, 2020 at 2pm EDT
How are auditors and organizations adjusting to auditing with the challenges COVID. This session will outline the challenges and opportunities of completing audits with the impacts of social distancing and limited access to physical locations. We will discuss the use of digital platforms for the completion of the audit as well as outline the more challenging audit areas and alternatives for addressing these.
Presenters: Blair Smith, Brian Callander, David Pluta, and Matthew Peron, BDO.

Resiliency in Challenging Times
It is human nature to resist change – particularly when it comes in the form of adversity or challenges and you know change is inevitable, and developing traits of resilience helps us not only survive change, but also learn, grow, and thrive in it.
Resiliency is our capacity to cope with stress and adversity. To make it through the tough times takes resilience and requires attention to the complexities of our own experiences. In this Webinar series, AFOA Canada Corporate Members will share with you their expertise and experience that will help answer some of the following questions as our communities’ maneuver through unprecedented challenging times:
- Cybersecurity – Is cloud technology in your future?
- Human Resources – Returning to work during COVID-19: Building a Resilient Workforce
- Accounting & Finance – Critical professional skills for Indigenous Peoples in a post-COVID World
- Indigenous Leaders Driving the Economy of Tomorrow
- Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs – Reclaiming Their Leadership Role in the Economy
- Setting the groundwork for recovery in 2020
Planning for a Post-COVID 19 World: How Indigeno Travel is Preparing for the Comeback

Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 2pm EDT
Chris Maxfield, Founder of Indigeno Travel and Vice President of Business Development, will provide an overview on the status of corporate travel and Indigenous tourism experiences, domestically and abroad, with due emphasis on the recovery to-date in a number of countries. It is generally accepted that the economy – travel and tourism very much included – will recover as Covid recedes. With an eye to that future, Chris will provide an overview of Indigeno Travel and the steps it is taking to participate fully in that recovery while continuing to create meaningful jobs and valuable revenue streams for Indigenous people.
Presenter: Chris Maxfield, Founder & VP Business Development, Indigeno Travel
Human Resources - Returning to work during COVID-19: Building a Resilient Workforce

Thursday, October 22, 2020 at 2pm EDT
As the situation with COVID-19 continues to disrupt workplaces everywhere, the focus for many organizations is shifting to ways to support in developing resiliency in their employees. Studies have found that more resilient people are higher performers, respond better to change and are able to protect themselves from stress more effectively. It is no surprise, therefore, that many organizations are investing in tools and practices to develop resiliency in their staff. Whether your employees have returned to the office, are still working from home or a hybrid of the two, there are active steps that your organization can take to support your people. This webinar will walk you through best practice ideas for creating an environment that fosters resiliency and provide practical tools that you can apply immediately to support staff.
Presenter: Tanya Neitzert and Katharine Evans, Partners at Boreala Management
The Resiliency of Indigenous Economies in Action

Thursday, October 29, 2020 at 2pm EDT
With tens of billions of dollars being settled on First Nation communities it’s our time to stand up and take our rightful place in Canada’s economy. Not all of us grew up with warm clothes, running water, proper schooling we are now moving forward, as an educated force to not only change our personal future but to reconcile out our pasts. As Carol Anne Hilton, in the Corporate Knights on April 19, 2019 It’s time to change this story! It’s time for Nations across Canada to take their rightful place in the world economy. Dara Kelly states that “Indigenous people have gone through four economic stages of development: 1) Disruption 2) Entanglement 3) Emergence 4) Empowerment”. This webinar will speak about how the First People have always been resilient and moved through these four phases with determination and frustration.
Presenter: Georgina Villeneuve, B.Comm, MBA, TEP, MTI – VP, Trust Services at Peace Hills Trust, and Scott Robertson, LL.B., B.A.(Hons), B,Ed, Certified Specialist in Indigenous Legal Issues, Associate at Nahwegahbow Corbiere
Six Evolving Practices in Indigenous Government Finances and Performance Reporting

Thursday, November 12, 2020 at 2pm EST
Gordon Holley of Humanity Financial Management Inc. will review six evolving practices in Indigenous government finances and performance reporting:
- Strategic financial reporting (not audits or compliance)
- 10 year grants (ISC) & Financial Administration Law (FAL)
- Enhanced borrowing – First Nations Market Housing Fund
- Aboriginal governments and own source revenue (taxation)
- More control over lands – Lands Advisory Board
- Comprehensive Community Planning
Presenter: Gordon Holley, CPA, CA, co-founder and President of Humanity Financial Management Inc.
Tax After Turbulent Times

Thursday, November 19, 2020 at 2pm EST
Find out everything you need to know about tax, including filing, government benefits, and changes as a result of COVID-19. Like many things, COVID-19 has affected the Canadian tax system. Staying up to date on information, including changes, government benefits, subsidies and more is critical in this “new normal” we are living in. Get on the right track now so that you are prepared and can navigate through tax season easily and effectively.
Presenter: Carol Skillen, CPA, CGA
Strengthening Financial Literacy in Canada

Thursday, November 26, 2020 at 2pm EST
This year marks the 10th Anniversary of Financial Literacy Month in Canada. This annual event is coordinated nationally by the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC), the federal government agency mandated to protect financial consumers. Presenters RuthAnne Corley and Shawn Murray will discuss how FCAC works to protect financial consumers and strengthen the financial literacy of Canadians, and review some of the Agency’s free tools and resources. They will also discuss some of the work the Agency is conducting with AFOA Canada and other partners to specifically address financial literacy of Indigenous Peoples.
Presenter: RuthAnne Corley, Senior Outreach and Engagement Officer, and Shawn Murray, Senior Financial Literacy Program Officer, from the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC)