AFOA BC Conference & Award Nominations

AFOA British Columbia
First Nations Human Resources and
Administration & Management Conference
Westin Bayshore, Vancouver BC
September 20 – 22, 2021
The conference will feature expert speakers who will engage, challenge and inspire you to address your most critical issues. You will gain valuable tools and resources to increase your HR and Leadership skills at whatever stage you are at. Don’t miss this valuable opportunity to learn from our HR experts!
Call for Band Administrator Nominations
AFOA BC 2021 Band Administrator Recognition Award
The Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of BC is proud to offer the 9th Annual Band Administrator Recognition Award. The purpose of this award is to give recognition to Band Administrators who have displayed excellence and quality in their work with First Nations communities over a period of time.
Band Administrators face difficult challenges in their work and many have worked tirelessly on behalf of their community. It is time that we recognize and honour these leaders in our community. We will be presenting this award at our HR and Administration & Management Conference to be held at Westin Bayshore, Vancouver BC from September 20 & 21, 2021.