Request for Proposals: Financial Resiliency Phase III
In 2020, AFOA Canada began a project to identify a series of workshops and webinars for Indigenous communities and organizations. Guided by a working group and engaging with these communities and organizations directly a series of five accounting basics workshops and eight leadership webinars were identified, developed and piloted. In 2022-23, AFOA Canada developed and delivered three additional workshops, and six additional webinars.
For this next phase of this work we are revising one of AFOA Canada very first projects, the First Nations Fiscal Planning Calendar. Originally developed in 1999-2000, it included a calendar, a CD-ROM and a handbook. While some of the principles in this project stand the test of time, much has shifted in how First Nations and Indigenous organizations operate. By creating a tool that is web based and interactive, we see an opportunity for staff in communities to find information quickly that is directly relevant to their realities. We see this tool as a good solution to supplement the workshops and the webinars of the financial resiliency work AFOA Canada has done to date. Creating this tool can leverage some of the materials that have been developed in previous phases. This tool would also recognize the good work of other organizations, such as the First Na
We are seeking a consultant to conduct a needs assessment, confirm the appropriate tools and resources, develop the content and pilot the tool.
Closing Date: September 22, 2023, at 4 p.m. EDT
Inquires interpretations and questions regarding the RFP are to be directed to Pamela Ouart-McNabb at p.ouart-mcnabb@afoa.ca